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Theater Zuidplein

Theater Zuidplein offers shows and performances for a wide audience. Young and old and with diverse cultural backgrounds: everybody is very welcome.

Theatre for everybody

Theater Zuidplein programs shows about topics that reflect the society as it is right now. The theatre program, the price of the tickets and the level of service are tailored to people with diverse cultural backgrounds. Therefore it is one of the most accessible stages of the Rotterdam region. From cabaret to dance and from established names to new talent: you can discover it al at Theater Zuidplein.

Two stages and a restaurant

The current theatre building is opened in 2020 and has a surface of 12.000 square meters. There is a big and small theatre stage and in the main entrance hall you find restaurant Zed. Here you can drink a coffee or eat a meal before or after the show.

How to get there

Located next to Zuidplein, a big public transport hub, makes that Theater Zuidplein is very easily reachable. Besides a metro and busstop, there's also ample paid parking in the vicinity of the theater.


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