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The Green Oasis in the South

De Groene Oase is a communal garden in Charlois.

Green for everyone

De Groene Oase believes it is important that everyone has greenery nearby. Green connects people. Everyone is equal in the garden. That is why De Groene Oase is an accessible garden. Everyone from Charlois can garden there. Pieces of land are rented out to grow vegetables, herbs or flowers. You can also garden as a volunteer in the community garden.

In addition to the greenery in the garden, De Groene Oase also stands for Charlois as green and cozy as possible. That is why they work together with many partners in the neighborhood. Schools, foundations and associations can come here for gardening or greenery lessons.

Address details

10:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
10:00 - 16:00

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