Schaatsbaan Rotterdam
Schaatsbaan Rotterdam is a skating complex for the whole family, with skate rental, a 400 m training track and a larger fun track.
Unique skating rink
Schaatsbaan Rotterdam is a unique ice rink with a 400 meter tunnel, a track of 1600 square meters including rainbow lighting. The skating rink is accessible to both beginners and advanced skaters. If the weather permits, the sides of the tunnel roof will be opened. This way you have the experience of outdoor skating with the benefits of indoor skating.
Schaatsbaan Rotterdam is accessible by public transport (bus, tram and metro) or by car (parking lot with 350 spaces).
See what else there is to do at this location
View the full agenda here.
Lots of ice fun, Schaatsbaan Rotterdam fully open
For the first time ever, Schaatsbaan Rotterdam opened its doors during the autumn holidays. Visitors could already visit the Funbaan and Curlingbaan. On 23 November, skating enthusiasts from Rotterdam and the surrounding area can also take to the 400-metre rink. To markthe Grand Opening,...
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