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Rotterdam Salon

The Rotterdam Salon is located in the 18th century Koopmanshuis at Recht Rottekade 407. The richly decorated setting of the original Koopmanskamer - with painted ceiling and fantastic Rococo fireplace - creates the atmosphere of the Rotterdam Salon.

About the Rotterdam Salon

The French Salons that were initiated by women in the 17th & 18th centuries and the inspiring Merchant's Chamber are the origins of the Rotterdam Salon. The Koopmanskamer offers sanctuary to the Rotterdam Salon.

The university was off-limits for women, to get to court you had to be of nobility! Would you like to stay informed of the latest developments? The Salonnières organized places for freethinkers. There, while enjoying a snack and a drink, people could exchange ideas and talk about art, science, business and politics. Interdisciplinary! In this way they encouraged networking, strategic action and getting issues on the political, cultural and social agenda. Bottom up avant la lettre!

The richly decorated setting of the original Koopmanskamer - with painted ceiling and fantastic Rococo fireplace - makes the Rotterdam Salon a special location. The Koopmanskamer is a space that stimulates people, minds and senses, hence Salons in Rotterdam!

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