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Piet Heynsplein

Piet Heynsplein is a square in Rotterdam, where the statue of the famous Dutch privateer Piet Hein is located.

Piet Heynsplein is located in the Rotterdam district of Delfshaven, in the area called Historical Delfshaven. The square is located on Havenstraat and borders the Achterhaven and Piet Heynstraat, which used to be called Kerkstraat. The Dutch privateer and later rear admiral Piet Hein was born in the Piet Heynstraat on November 25, 1577.

In 1870, the statue of Piet Hein, made by sculptor Joseph Graven, was unveiled in the presence of King Willem III. In 1973 the statue was placed on the list of national monuments.

Before 1965, Piet Heynsplein was a square on the north side of the Achterhaven. As part of the Delta Works, a connection was dug between the Achterhaven and the Coolhaven, as a result of which Piet Heynsplein has largely disappeared.

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