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Huis van de Wijk De Banier

At the beginning of 2019, the SOL Foundation (Samen Ondernemend Leren) took over the management of Huis van de Wijk de Banier. Previously, the community center was known as the Nieuwe Banier.

The new social manager also started here in mid-April: Arnoud van der Zijden. Initially, he focuses on continuing well-run activities such as language lessons, neighborhood meals, crafts and dance lessons.

A lot of things have now been added, such as music lessons, kickboxing, homework assistance, elderly people's group, Bingo and the Antillean version of this 'Bon Ku Ne'. And new plans and ideas are in the pipeline, partly in response to the neighborhood meeting about the Banier on May 22. On this evening, more than 40 local residents contributed ideas about the ins and outs of the Banier. The meeting took place during Ramadan and concluded with a communal Iftar meal.

Arnoud is happy to assist anyone with a plan or idea and works closely with SOL's participation and youth brokers, who can help initiators from young to old. And there is plenty to do for residents who want to help. SOL would like to get in touch with people who are regularly available as hosts, who want to help with the organization or improvement of the library.

As a follow-up to the neighborhood meeting, a user consultation will start soon.

See what else there is to do at this location

View the full agenda here.

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