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Het Nationaal Koopvaardijmonument - De Boeg

The National Merchant Navy Monument (also known as 'De Boeg') in Rotterdam honours the Dutch merchant navy during the war and commemorates the 2,134 Dutch and 1,414 non-Dutch sailors who died in the Allied battle against the occupying forces.

It is a steel structure covered with bare Canadian aluminum, representing a ship's bow splitting waves. The artist is Federico Antonio Carasso (1899-1969).

The sculpture is placed on a concrete pedestal. In front of the pedestal is a bronze group of five male figures connected by a cable. Under the cable is a relief of the wake of a ship. The memorial is 45 meters high. The pedestal is 2 meters high and 13 meters wide.

The monument is located on the Maas at the mouth of the Leuvehaven, situated on the Boompjeskade in Rotterdam.

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