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Een kunstcentrum

Een kunstcentrum is an initiative by residents of Charlois, aimed at strengthening art and culture in South Rotterdam.

Pluriform Culture

A place where the plural culture of the South is made visible in the form of monthly activities organized by volunteer participants. Een Kunstcentrum works in and from a building in Oud Charlois (the former town hall at Kaatsbaan 8 / Charloisse Kerksingel 2). Een Kunstcentrum is an organization that brings together professional artists, leisure artists, cultural organizers, local residents and those interested in art and culture.

Een Kunstcentrum is also a physical place to meet. That is why they are working with a social catering entrepreneur to open the building from the morning hours. That is why they are setting up a library & reading room where everyone, including non-participants, can read newspapers and books. Spaces in the building can be rented during the day during working days for meetings of private groups.

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