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Ring in 2025 with fireworks over the Erasmus Bridge

For over 15 years, the free spectacular fireworks show over the Erasmus Bridge has been a household name inside and outside Rotterdam. It is the way to celebrate the New Year. The national tradition will again take place this year over the Erasmus Bridge with the use of grand eco-fireworks.

This year, even more attention will be paid to the experience of visitors on the quay during The National Fireworks. This is to make the whole thing feel more like an event and a party. For example, extra screens and audio will be placed on the quays, so that everyone can enjoy the experience even more regardless of where they stand. In addition, music will be heard on the quays as early as 22:30 and the countdown will be a more emphatic feature.

Simultaneous countdown

Organiser Mark Rouwenhorst of JMR Event Makers says: "It is the biggest fireworks show in the country and that makes it so special for us to be able to organise. We have been building this event for over 15 years and I dare say it has grown into a true tradition inside and outside Rotterdam. We are looking forward to it and are busy with all the preparations. Counting down those last minutes and seconds with 70,000 people at the same time. There is something magical about it. So this year we are going to emphasise that and with the extra screens and audio we hope to give people even more of a feeling, really add that extra dimension to the experience of the visitors on the quay."

Safe fireworks show

The National Fireworks have been a fixture in the city for over 15 years. People come from inside and outside Rotterdam to attend this spectacular show. Hotels are packed for three nights, the catering industry enjoys the extra people and tickets for parties during New Year's Eve are sold out well in advance. In addition, of course, the show also provides an alternative to (self-firing) private fireworks, significantly reducing the risks involved. It also fulfils an important function in raising awareness around fireworks safety. Fireworks do not have to be set off yourself to have a spectacular fireworks experience.

Rouwenhorst: "Fireworks are a beloved tradition in our country, but are often associated with nuisance and unsafety. Through our show, which is organised and performed by professionals, we give tens of thousands of people the chance to enjoy fireworks in a safe and responsible way and usher in the new year in a festive way."

In addition, The National Fireworks tries to minimise its ecological footprint by using eco-fireworks and offsetting CO2 emissions with an annual donation to Trees for All, an organisation that realises extensive forest projects at home and abroad.

Even more focus on visitor experience on the quayside this year


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