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Kids' outing tested: Get a breath of fresh air on the Maasvlakte beach!

Every month Rotterdammers test a cultural outing. This time it is the Maasvlakte beach.

What kind of outing did you guys do?

'We did the scavenger hunt on the Maasvlakte beach. Actually more of a quiz with funny questions. It included questions about the artwork, the surroundings and things you encounter in nature. And we had to be quiet for 10 minutes and look at the surroundings through binoculars. We did not have binoculars with us and sitting still in the dunes for 10 minutes was not for this group ;). However, they did enjoy climbing, playing and running in the dunes while answering the questions.'

How was it?

'The quiz was fun and informative, but actually just being on the beach is enough. We did this outing with wind force 8, so it was blowing out! It was spectacular with the high waves and jumping off the dunes. The artwork the children enjoyed climbing and then looking out over the sea. Krijn and Olle searched for shells and looked for animal tracks.'

Would you recommend this outing?

'If you want to get some fresh air and escape the hustle and bustle of the city, this is a top outing. The Maasvlakte beach is an undiscovered part of the Netherlands. A crazy and quick transition from all the port activities and containers to a pristine piece of nature. A beach or coffee shop would still be an addition, though. The questions were fun for kids as young as 6 years old.'

Test team: Kato (11), Cato (11), Krijn (9), Olle (4) and Otto (1)
Tested Outing: Maasvlakte beach scavenger hunt, Maasvlakteboulevard 2.

Suitable for: children aged 4 and over


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