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Create your own evening with dance, light art, music and performance during Hour One in Baanhof

Visitors who do not just watch, but walk around freely in different halls where dance, music and video art can be found. Hour One is a concept by two former Scapino dancers who also organised Doorloop. On 21 and 22 March, Baanhof will be transformed into a modern club-like destination. Tickets are available via this link.

During Hour One, visitors determine their own route through a world of art and performances. No traditional seating, but a journey of discovery through different rooms, each with its own atmosphere and surprises. From impressive light art and video to compelling soundscapes and dance, everything is possible.

Established artists like Fernando Troya, Richard van Kruysdijk and Noortje van den Eijnde present their work, complemented by emerging talent like Eilit Marom and Riccardo Zandonà. The evening ends in a great movement meditation or perhaps a rave?

Hour One is the result of the vision of Mara Hulspas and Bryndis Ragna Brynjolfsdottir, former dancers with Scapino Ballet Rotterdam. Together, they want to show that a theatre experience goes beyond traditional theatre walls and make art accessible to everyone, from art lovers to entertainment audiences.


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