Everything worth crying about is mercilessly ridiculed.
Did you miss Wouter last season in Walhalla? Because your cat had an off day, the bridge was open or your favorite dress was still in the laundry basket? No problem, Wouter is coming back especially for you with Stormbrein.
Because there is a storm in Wouter's brain. Big news and small sorrows, it does something to Wouter. Wouter thinks, talks and reflects, worries and sees solutions and opportunities. Wouter is a father, writer, joke maker and ultra runner.
He takes you on a journey through Swiss mountains, Carré, smelly parking garages and the merciless hills of the Barkely Marathons. Everything that is worth crying about is mercilessly ridiculed.
Gowtu Afro Cult - Interactief luisterritueel hoe klinkt Nederlandse of Rotterdamse Afro?
Sister Act Dé feelgood musical van het jaar!
Soulfood Iftar Theater Zuidplein
Victor Luis van Es & Jörgen Raymann
Space is the place
De briljante bospoldervos
Best of Stand-Up 19:00
Retriever (Eric van Dijsseldonk) Eric van Dijsseldonk
Het Rotterdam van mijn vader
Arlan Feiles (USA) USA
Martijn Koning - Try-out tournee
De Toren van Archidor 8+
Marco Martens - Sterrenkind
Joey & Dave - Stille Oorlog
Pieter Verelst - Spotlight (try-out) try-out
Jaimee Harris (USA) USA
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