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We zijn hier voor Robbie

  • Theater

Family drama surrounding the commemoration of Uncle Robbie.

We're here for Robbie.


Because Robbie took his own life exactly one year ago. So the gathering will not be a cozy family party. Leave that to Maria Goos, the author of this play from 2018. She is known for plays about (family) relationships in which things are very rough, such as Cloaca, Familie Avenier, La Famiglia, Smoeder and the TV series Oud Geld. In this play it is essentially about no longer feeling at home in your own world.

Who's here for Robbie?

His father Isaac and mother Annet, who by the way does not show herself during the entire piece. She does not come down from the attic. Sad, angry, seriously ill? Also Robbie's brother, Marius with his new flame Linda. Marius has moved in with his parents and Linda after a too thorough renovation of the large family home. Which is not very appreciated by father Isaac. He thinks that Marius has taken away the stately character of the house, 150 years of family property that Isaac is very proud of and to which his whole life is attached, by the sloppy renovation. Marius' ex-wife Barbara is also present, with their two children together. The somewhat peculiar Bas and the rebellious Suzanne with her friend Willemijn. What happens during the meeting is actually quite predictable, but how it all happens and why is very surprising. Something with paintings and a neighbor of Robbie, the flamboyant and common Jessica. Reason enough to go and see this intense but also hilarious piece.

All dates

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Fri 28 Mar 20:15 - 22:00 Buy tickets
Sat 29 Mar 20:15 - 22:00 Buy tickets
Sun 30 Mar 14:15 - 16:00 Buy tickets
Fri 4 Apr 20:15 - 22:00 Buy tickets
Sat 5 Apr 20:15 - 22:00 Buy tickets
Sun 6 Apr 14:15 - 16:00 Buy tickets
Fri 11 Apr 20:15 - 22:00 Buy tickets
Sat 12 Apr 20:15 - 22:00 Buy tickets
Sun 13 Apr 14:15 - 16:00 Buy tickets

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