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VOCAL NIGHT by Jordan Roy share your love for singing and live music

Share your love for singing and live music.

Come to VOCAL NIGHT and share your love for singing and live music! All singers are welcome, regardless of level – from beginners to professionals. Try out your new (original) music or a song you are working on. Work on your stage presence, backing vocals or just enjoy the atmosphere with other singers. Want to be sure of a singing spot? Mail your name and song track to info@jordanroy.com

Don't forget to bring your music (or instrument) and your friends for support and a great night! There will be a DJ before and after the live performances, so come and have a drink!

Jordan Roy Vocal Academy created this event as a safe space for singers to explore new music, build confidence, make mistakes, laugh, dance, have a drink and inspire each other.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Tue 8 Apr 20:00 Studio 2 | de Doelen Art Buy tickets

Tuesday 8 April

Studio 2 | de Doelen Art -  Schouwburgplein 44, Centrum
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