Vaiana 2 (NL) NL
Walt Disney Animation Studios' animated musical film Moana 2 reunites Moana and Maui three years later for an exciting new voyage alongside a crew of unique seafarers. Upon an unexpected call from her ancestors, Moana journeys to the distant seas of Oceania and through dangerous, long-lost waters on an adventure unlike any she has ever experienced. The film is directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller and produced by Christina Chen and Yvett Merino. Moana 2 features music by Grammy® winners Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, Grammy® nominee Opetaia Foa'i, and three-time Grammy® winner Mark Mancina.
All dates
Datum | Tijd | Locatie | Ticketlink |
Wed 4 Dec | 09:30 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Wed 4 Dec | 14:50 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Thu 5 Dec | 10:15 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Thu 5 Dec | 14:20 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Thu 5 Dec | 16:00 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Fri 6 Dec | 10:00 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Fri 6 Dec | 14:30 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Sat 7 Dec | 09:30 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Sat 7 Dec | 14:30 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Sun 8 Dec | 09:40 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Sun 8 Dec | 12:00 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Mon 9 Dec | 09:50 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Mon 9 Dec | 16:50 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Tue 10 Dec | 10:20 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Tue 10 Dec | 15:45 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Wed 11 Dec | 09:50 | Pathé Schouwburgplein | |
Wed 11 Dec | 14:50 | Pathé Schouwburgplein |
Wednesday 4 December
Pathé Schouwburgplein
Schouwburgplein 101, Centrum
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Pathé Schouwburgplein shows exclusive Swan Lake ballet in IMAX format
The world-famous Swan Lake (Swan Lake) ballet, performed by the Paris Opera's famous ballet company, has been shot with IMAX cameras for the first time. This unique screening of the ballet, lasting 145 minutes, will be shown at Pathé Schouwburgplein from Friday 8 to 10 November.
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