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Uit Stilstand | Pieter Jouke (try-out) try-out

In his new show 'Uit Stilstand' Pieter Jouke explains in an inimitable way why you should move.

In his new show 'Uit Stilstand' Pieter Jouke explains in an inimitable way why you have to move. Physically, but also mentally. From a standstill everything is difficult. Only when you start moving do you find out what you want and don't want. Your perspective changes and problems become solvable. Language artist Pieter Jouke is more personal, funnier and stranger than ever. And he moves towards you. So stop your standstill! Get moving! Dare to take the plunge! Buy those tickets! What?

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Wed 28 May 20:30 - 21:30 Studio de Bakery Buy tickets

Wednesday 28 May

20:30 - 21:30
From € 13,50 tot € 23,50
Studio de Bakery -  Bergweg 283, Noord
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