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The Francis and Dominic Show Wegens succes terug in het theater!

Back in the theatre due to success!

What do you get when you combine the most popular and hilarious soprano with the most charming and funniest British double bassist? An entertaining musical show full of glitz and glamour, where the audience gets a glimpse behind the scenes of classical superstars and enjoys a stunning concert.

The Francis & Dominic Show is full of personal stories, popular music, songs and audience participation. Stories about opera, conducting, large orchestras and who has the most celebrities in their phone, pass by. Through their favorite music you get to know the other side of these beloved classical musicians!

And as you would expect from these two personalities, it's all woven together with a lot of humour and the guarantee that if you like classical music even a little bit, you'll love The Francis & Dominic show!

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sat 19 Apr 20:00 New Luxor Theater Buy tickets

Saturday 19 April

From € 25,50 tot € 51,00
New Luxor Theater -  Posthumalaan 1, Feijenoord
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