Tessa always says exactly what you better not say. Talking to someone else feels to her like she is playing a game of chess. Only then she is not playing with chess pieces but with dinosaur pieces with huge horns on their heads. So don't get too close because Tessa Triceratops will eat your pawns, skin and all.
Tessa prefers to be alone, because only when you are alone can you be who you want. But can you really be completely alone? Isn't there always someone? Your mother downstairs and that spider on the ceiling. A neighbor on the other side of the wall. And aren't there many different Tessas living inside Tessa?
Paul Haenen & Dammie van Geest - Optimisme Kun Je Leren (try-out) try-out
Circus Treurdier - Wendy Pan
Ronald Goedemondt - Mijn Lieve Achterdocht (try-out) try-out
The New West
De Tunes - Niet Te Missen
Spinvis & Lucas Oldeman - Overvecht
Nina de la Parra Speelt
Six String Sessions
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