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Te Water

The new exhibition Te Water! A real maritime exhibition about maritime technology and history combined with an experience for the whole family.

Building ships is in the blood of the Dutch! How did that come about? And were we the best? You will discover it in 'Te water!'. In this exhibition you enter a shipyard and get an idea of the development of shipbuilding in three periods. You also roll up your sleeves and discover that there is a lot involved before you can really go 'into the water'.

For centuries, ships have been rolling off the shipyard. Ships to transport cargo, to fish or to fight wars. Dutch shipbuilding has gone through high peaks and deep valleys, but has survived by constantly reinventing itself. In 'Te water!' you will learn more about the craftsmanship and courage for which the Netherlands is known worldwide as a shipbuilding country.

Let's get started!

And of course you can get started yourself! Design your ship, choose the right tools, build the structure and place the right parts on the ship. Do it right and you will receive the code to launch your ship!

All dates

2 Jan - 1 Jan 2027
Maritiem Museum Rotterdam

From 2 January to 1 January 2027

From € 0,00 tot € 19,00
Maritiem Museum Rotterdam -  Leuvehaven 1, Centrum
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