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Streep Wiel Rol | Diede Daalman en Rebecca Wijnruit 1,5+

Streep Wiel Rol is a musical dance theatre performance that revolves around movement and discovery.

A dancer, a circus artist and a cellist explore a space full of lines and wheels, accompanied by the sounds of the cello. The audience is slowly but surely drawn more and more onto the stage floor. Toddlers and parents throw themselves at rolls of theatre tape, making lines or picking them loose. The children roll past on carts.

Director Diede Daalman and dance maker Rebecca Wijnruit create adventurous and surprising dance theatre. The young audience is actively invited to enter the stage. In this way, toddlers become co-players and unexpected encounters arise. This results in layered, witty and moving performances that are never the same. Diede and Rebecca enjoy working with circus artists, visual artists, classical musicians and many others.

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Sun 23 Mar 11:00 - 12:00 Studio de Bakery Buy tickets

Sunday 23 March

11:00 - 12:00
From € 8,50 tot € 18,50
Studio de Bakery -  Bergweg 283, Noord
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