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StoryTrail Theaterwandeling Historisch Delfshaven

A city walk full of myths, legends and tall tales.

Wandering through Historical Delfshaven, Hildebrand will tell you the most beautiful stories from the city's history. About Piet Heyn, for example, the pirate who was born here. About extremely strong porters. About herring fishing and whaling. And about a very special parrot. You will experience uprising and tumult, war, peace and many exciting sagas and legends. Will you join us on this adventure? Storyteller Hildebrand will welcome you with open arms.

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Sat 19 Apr 15:30 - 17:00 Historic Delfshaven Buy tickets

Saturday 19 April

15:30 - 17:00
From € 19,00 tot € 21,50
Historic Delfshaven -  Aelbrechtskolk 20, Delfshaven
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MORII goldsmiths have a shop at Aelbrechtskolk 2

Together with Lynn Somers, goldsmiths Florien Rovers and Anouk Schepers had a pop-up in Charlotte Wooning's shop a year ago. They liked that so much that they started looking for a permanent shop location. Florien Rovers and Anouk Schepers will have a festive opening weekend of MORII at...

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MORII goldsmiths have a shop at Aelbrechtskolk 2

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