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SOUNDING [VHVR] HERE with ??????!!!!!

SOUNDING [VHVR] HERE with ??????!!!!!

We have often seen speed dates and blind dates between artists, but how often do we see them between event series? VHVR and Sounding Here are giving it a go to share their extremely different curation styles with you all. Here's what we overheard:

Sounding Here: What is your new year's resolution?

VHVR: I would really love to do a collaboration with you…..

SH: Ooo I am so flattered…but then it's going to be a super long event no?!

VHVR; Yeah let's forget about it

SH: Ah, you give up too easily! What if that's a GOOD THING?

VHVR; But i have the focus bandwidth of a toddler, what can I say?

SH: Then it's good to have loads of different things all happening, in shorter sets that show us something totally different each time…you won't get bored at all…maybe?

VHVR: In that case… uhmmmmmmmmm… maybe…

SH: But what should the theme be? I like experiments, what's your thing?

VHVR: The hybrid is my thing… connecting stuff that doesn't connect easily

SH: It's also almost Valentine's Day then!

VHVR: Yeah whatever.

SH: Ok, not so related I guess…but honestly I never know what will happen so…that's just how it goes. Is there anything that I should know?

VHVR: I already invited Goodiepal and Volksorkest, is that experimental enough for your taste?

SH: Yes, and I can bet you'll love Eric Giraudet's newest performance with glass bong puppets…and Patrick Ellis' video composition…and…a load of movement and music with Moving Strings - is that hybrid enough for you??

VHVR: Araaagh…. I WANTED TO BOOK MOVING STRINGS!!!! Now you did it, we can't turn back… so let's do it.

SH: Ok…I'll tell everyone to get ready for an epic, out-of-this-world, weird and undefinable variety show from VHVR + Sounding Here….!!!

VHVR: Yesss, finally…AVANT GARDE for the MASSES!

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Thu 13 Feb 20:00 - 23:59 Worm Buy tickets

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