Nature knows intersexual kangaroos, homosexual parent couples, penguin trios and mating lionesses. Charlotte Vermeulen knows all about it. She worked for more than 30 years as a house biologist for the ARTIS zoo and conducted research into sexually diverse behaviour in nature.
And now she talks about it extensively during her theater lecture.
Discover how our expectations often clash with reality in nature. Different sexual preferences, not having sex and gender changes: it all occurs in the animal kingdom. For example, homosexual behavior has been observed in 1,500 species of birds and mammals and some fish can change from male to female and back again. In short: nature is queer and queer is natural.
Charlotte Vermeulen will be assisted by comedian Maya van As (Vlamousse) during this interactive theatre lecture.
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Circus Treurdier - Wendy Pan
Ronald Goedemondt - Mijn Lieve Achterdocht (try-out) try-out
Tessa Triceratops Tegen Het Soepie 6+
The New West
De Tunes - Niet Te Missen
Spinvis & Lucas Oldeman - Overvecht
Nina de la Parra Speelt
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