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Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest Adams dirigeert Adams en Andriessens De staat

Flaming with energy, loud and fearless, Louis Andriessen's De Staat and John Adams' Harmonielehre caused an earthquake half a century ago. Two pieces that each looked at the world in their own way and wondered 'how do we move forward?' Such critical questions never go without a fight: Andriessen throws bricks here and there, but also offers comfort and a vision of the future. An artistic protest that is not afraid of beauty and ugliness. Adams is just as uncompromising, but in his conviction of the pure, the greater and the beautiful. Remaining topical, they now make us feel what is at stake in these times.

"I wrote De Staat as a contribution to the debate about the relationship between music and politics. Many composers see their work as something that is somehow above social influences. I do not agree with that." -Louis Andriessen

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Fri 11 Oct 20:15 de Doelen Buy tickets

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