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REAL AS FAK - Club Gewalt Maakt met Albeda MBO Theaterschool

A super real performance, with a super real album, with super real actors, being super real.

What is REAL? What is FAKE? Is life real-life drama, but why is EVERYTHING you see these days fake? And are you still allowed to be vulnerable, or is it better to fake that? A performance with real bangers, real lyrics and real video clips, because maybe it helps to lip-sync your real pain.

Together with the Rotterdam music and performance collective Club Gewalt and Roi Soleil, eight students from the excellence year of the MBO Theater School create their first music theater performance. From scratch, to album, to live applause.


With design by: Britt Bijman, Juni Donkers, Zyrea Elharty, Ellie Gosens, Sophie van der Hansz, Jay Hu, Michael Kalma, Elmar Kooistra, Daniëlle Kort, Fleur Lauscher, Valentina Marsman, Linde Middelbeek, Anna op 't Root, Caelyn Varekamp, Marijn Verhoeven

Concept, direction, composition and supervision: Loulou Hameleers, Robbert Klein, Matthijs Rijsdijk.

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Wed 2 Apr 20:30 - 22:30 Workshop Valhalla Buy tickets

Wednesday 2 April

20:30 - 22:30
From € 10,00
Workshop Valhalla -  Tolhuisstraat 105, Feijenoord
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