Even if you don't always understand each other, we all speak the language of music!
One day Olli sets out with his trumpet. He goes on a journey and dreams of starting a big orchestra. Along the way, he meets other musicians who join him. Even though they don't understand each other, they all speak the language of music. The music connects them and together they can fight the evil in the city. Olli starts an orchestra based on the picture book of the same name by Didi Bok and Hein Mevi.
HET KINDEKE, de gezelligste kerstfamilieshow op aarde! 8+
Normality No More - Schubert's Winterreise Revisited
Saturday Night Fever
Op Uw heil wacht ik
Eliane Rodrigues Chopin’s & Beethoven’s Legacy
Art Walks live
Eindejaarsconcert avond HJK 14 o.l.v. P. Wildeman en Samengesteld Mannenkoor o.l.v. J. van Belzen, Wilhelm Groenendijk, Mark Brandwijk, Orkest
Garnalen Verhalen Hotel Modern
Voorprogramma bij kindervoorstelling A Christmas Carol 4+
A Christmas Carol (4+) Rotterdams Philharmonisch Orkest
Urban Gospel Night talent takeover: live gospelmuziek i.s.m. House of Urban Arts
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