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Nieuwe Nederlandse Naïviteit met DOMTUIG, Thor Kissing, Drroomgordijnen, Buurtbeheer & Ve Le Anderen

An unbound total program full of poetry, music and performance

The New Dutch Naïvity is coming to WORM for a colorful evening full of idiosyncratic music. Earlier this year, this united group of outsiders, dissidents, opponents and other non-conformists released a compilation album with sixteen Dutch-language songs that together take up the fight against a

world that is becoming more threatening every day. Come see these knights of eternal youth pick up their plastic swords and water pistols, and head into a bright, uncertain future!

Expect an unbound total program full of poetry, music and performance. The performances follow each other in rapid succession, not hindered by stage conventions or the clock.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sat 18 Jan 20:00 - 01:00 Worm Buy tickets

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