A unique film experience that combines a deeper look, sharp observations and lively discussion.
Movies that Shaped You invites you to watch films with new eyes. Herman and Ivo give an introduction that reveals the deeper layers and sharpens your view on the story, the images and the director. After the film, there will be an interactive discussion with a diverse group of film lovers, in which observations come together and insights are shared. An evening of film, dialogue and togetherness, complete with coffee, a simple meal and a closing drink.
Disney Snow White (Originele versie) Originele versie
About Light & Shadows
LAB Open podium, workshops en meer!
Bit Mix
Studio Erasmus Erasmus Universiteit
A Minecraft Movie (Originele versie) Originele versie
Vlieg eens vlug (2+) Bram van Beusekom
A Minecraft Movie (NL) NL
Disney’s Vaiana 2 (NL) NL
De show van de kapitein
Dubbel Zes
A Minecraft Movie
Documentaire 'SAM' + Q&A
Toneelleesclub Zuid in Theater Zuidplein
Masterclass Nietzsche met Max
OOIT................schrijfworkshop met Myrte Leffring
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