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Mijn Empatisch Vermogen - Niels Kuiters

About the dark sides of empathy.

Once upon a time there was a man who felt all the suffering in the world, could not cope with it and decided to disappear. He digs a hole in his hotel room and ends up in a beautiful garden full of animals that he can miraculously talk to. He decides to stay and help the animals, but do they really need his help?

This delicious story comes from the mind of mime maker Niels Kuiters. He thought it was time to look for the frayed edges of compassion and the dark sides of empathy. Where does it fall short? Where exactly does it exclude the other? Is empathy about others or mainly about ourselves? Is empathy the kind of love the world needs right now, or is it mainly a capricious irrational emotion that clouds our moral compass?

Plenty to think about. Niels has already done that for you and brings his insights into this new storytelling performance.

About Niels

After studying mime, Niels performed at Theater Rotterdam, Nite and Volksbühne, among others. He also played in the performance How to build a universe by Davy Pieters, which won the VSCD Mime prize, and last season in the bAAS of the zAAk A.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Thu 6 Feb 20:30 - 22:30 Workshop Valhalla Buy tickets

Thursday 6 February

20:30 - 22:30
From € 17,50
Workshop Valhalla -  Tolhuisstraat 105, Feijenoord
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