Martijn Koning can really do try-outs, like crazy.
Because he is not afraid to try things out, to say thoughts out loud for the first time, to sharpen jokes in front of you. He relies on good preparation, then lets it all go on stage and improvises a route to the exit.
It's real, it's now, you can be there, he welcomes you with open arms.
Gowtu Afro Cult - Interactief luisterritueel hoe klinkt Nederlandse of Rotterdamse Afro?
Sister Act Dé feelgood musical van het jaar!
Soulfood Iftar Theater Zuidplein
Victor Luis van Es & Jörgen Raymann
Space is the place
De briljante bospoldervos
Best of Stand-Up 19:00
Retriever (Eric van Dijsseldonk) Eric van Dijsseldonk
Het Rotterdam van mijn vader
Arlan Feiles (USA) USA
De Toren van Archidor 8+
Marco Martens - Sterrenkind
Joey & Dave - Stille Oorlog
Wouter Monden - Stormbrein
Pieter Verelst - Spotlight (try-out) try-out
Jaimee Harris (USA) USA
Stay tuned
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