Some kind of sexy worm and an emo magician (Magic Tom & Yuri) have created another show and suddenly everyone is aggressively investing in term life insurance (€€€†††). These alt-boi icons with the sickest killstreak in the magic industry are back with their most impressive show yet. THIS COOL THING is a mix of theater, punk, absurdism, dance and above all a lot of comedy!
You could see them earlier at Lowlands, Jera on Air or coincidentally in their free time under a viaduct with those wheels under their shoes and a weed joint. Yes, from a distance it looked awfully like a weed joint.
Magic Tom & Yuri is for lovers of: big pharma, standing food, Clinique Black Honey™, rain alarms, pure intelligence builds and focaccia.
Gowtu Afro Cult - Interactief luisterritueel hoe klinkt Nederlandse of Rotterdamse Afro?
Sister Act Dé feelgood musical van het jaar!
Soulfood Iftar Theater Zuidplein
Victor Luis van Es & Jörgen Raymann
Space is the place
De briljante bospoldervos
Best of Stand-Up 19:00
Figures in Extinction - NDT 1
Veldhuis & Kemper - Kunnen het niet laten
Retriever (Eric van Dijsseldonk) Eric van Dijsseldonk
Het Rotterdam van mijn vader
Arlan Feiles (USA) USA
Martijn Koning - Try-out tournee
De Toren van Archidor 8+
Marco Martens - Sterrenkind
Joey & Dave - Stille Oorlog
Wouter Monden - Stormbrein
Pieter Verelst - Spotlight (try-out) try-out
Stay tuned
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