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M4H in de maak - Duurzaam bouwen Merwe-Pieren

Visit KeileCollectief's latest lecture series on sustainable and collective area development, 'M4H in the Making'

In this episode of M4H in the making, we look at the broader development of the M4H area together with our guest speakers, professionals and the audience, and we specifically discuss sustainable building and living at the Merwe-Pieren, the starting point of housing construction in the M4H area development.

How can Paris Proof be designed, developed and built now? How can circular, collective and sustainable construction be put into practice? And above all: what can we contribute to this ourselves? During the program we will discuss this together with various members of the KeileCollectief and Keilekwartiercoöperatie and we will reflect it on various urban planners, developers and pioneers from the world of CPOs (collective private clients) and housing cooperatives.

Join this fourth episode and reserve this evening in your agenda. For more information, visit the KeileCollectief website.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Tue 21 Jan 19:30 - 21:30 Keilepand Buy tickets

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