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Lezing Marion Bloem

  • Lecture/Debate

Marion Bloem talks about her experience with grief and loss

In the middle of the Book Week, writer Marion Bloem will give a lecture about her latest book 'Verkleed in Vreugde'. This special evening is jointly organized by library AanZet, KijkopWelzijn and the neighborhood team of the Municipality of Barendrecht.

Dressed in joy

In 2022, Ivan Wolffers, a doctor, writer, and the great love of Marion Bloem, died of prostate cancer. What connected them from the start was traveling and writing. In 'Verkleed in blij' Bloem strings together her memories, observations, feelings and tears about their 52-year marriage. She writes through the mourning, right through colorful decades, in search of their secret. Because they stayed together, despite - but especially thanks to - each other, until death did them part.

During this evening, Marion Bloem will talk in an associative way about the sad and hilarious aspects of the long-term illness of her great love Ivan Wolffers and about her grieving process. Afterwards, her books will be for sale and there will be an opportunity to sign. There will also be enough time to chat over a cup of coffee and, if desired, to get information about the theme of grief and loss at KijkopWelzijn or the neighborhood team.

Marion Bloem

In addition to being a film and documentary maker and visual artist, Marion Bloem has been an acclaimed writer since her debut 'Geen gewoon Indisch meisje' (1983). In February 2023, she received the Constantijn Huygensprijs for her oeuvre. Her latest book 'Verkleed in blij' (Dressed in joy) was published in November 2024.

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Wed 19 Mar 19:30 - 21:30 Buy tickets

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Wednesday 19 March

19:30 - 21:30
From € 3,00 tot € 3,00
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