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Lenteschoonmaak in het Park

Spring is just around the corner and that means it's time for a spring clean in the Park! Help clean up and contribute to a clean and fresh start to the season.

Nature is awakening and the Park is getting ready for spring! During this special Participation Afternoon, spring cleaning is the focus. In the run-up to the National Clean-up Day, volunteers and gardeners roll up their sleeves to freshen up the park. No green fingers required - with a garbage bag and grabber, you can easily contribute to a cleaner and more beautiful environment. An active and fun way to be busy outside and make the Park spring-ready!

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Wed 19 Mar 13:15 - 16:00 Noorse Zeemanskerk

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Wednesday 19 March

13:15 - 16:00
Free entry
Noorse Zeemanskerk -  Westzeedijk 300, Centrum
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