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Komen en gaan

In Komen en Gaan a wall of solid columns forms the boundary between the players and the audience. Little by little the wall is demolished and the game can begin.

How big should the opening be to meet each other? And how do we continue to build with the fragments of a world that was divided and unequal? A singer is something completely different from a dancer, isn't it? And a dancer doesn't look like a singer at all. Great, we'll keep it that way. A fish can swim, a monkey climbs a tree. On the stage of this world we create the colorful unity through the difference.

Let us now open up everything that is closed. From having to meet to coming. From coming to encountering and from going to deal with. It is a start.

"When I come, I'll shake your hand."

"Nice, can I keep it?"

The music of Komen en Gaan is a selection of songs and piano pieces by George Gershwin, sung live by soprano Kelly Poukens. The performance is danced in a version with both a male and a female dancer.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 20 Apr 15:00 Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium

Sunday 20 April

From € 9,00 tot € 16,00
Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium -  Sint-Jobsweg 3, Delfshaven
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