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Koekie Boekie 0+

Cookie book 0-4 years

Reservations are required, but you can always walk in to see if there is still a spot! Entrance is free. Listening is only possible under supervision!

Studio de Bakkerij organizes reading for children to stimulate language development. Learn to recognize shapes while camping with frog, or get on the tram together and discover what is for sale at the market. How many strawberries can you eat?

Together with the reading bear, our diverse group of permanent readers makes it a party for every age. With lots of interaction and a different theme every edition.

Cookie Coffee Cafe

After Koekie Boekie you are welcome to have another cup of coffee, with something tasty, in our 'Koekie Koffie Café'. Also just in our theater. This way parents/guardians can meet each other and you have a very nice outing all in all.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Wed 26 Mar 10:30 - 11:30 Studio de Bakery Buy tickets

Wednesday 26 March

10:30 - 11:30
From € 0,00 tot € 25,00
Studio de Bakery -  Bergweg 283, Noord
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