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Klein, klein vogeltje (4+) | première Lloyd's Dance Company

Step into the rich fantasy world of two brothers camping in the backyard. When the evening arrives they end up in a grand adventure full of sounds and music, but especially a lot of hip hop and break dancing.

On a warm summer day, two brothers are allowed to set up their tent in mom and dad's backyard. They take you into their rich fantasy world. The garden turns into a huge forest with plenty to discover. When night falls, they hear strange noises. When they go to see where those sounds come from, they meet a somewhat strange new friend. Are you going on an adventure?

Afterwards, come to the foyer and participate in the free workshop.

More about Lloydscompany.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 2 Feb 14:30 Theater Zuidplein Buy tickets

Sunday 2 February

From € 9,50
Theater Zuidplein -  Gooilandsingel 95, Charlois
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