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Kim Karssen - Dubbel BIL

Kim Karssen bundles her energetic, absurdist and disruptive humor in Dubbel BIL – a punk comedy about fear and social chaos.

In Dubbel BIL, Kim Karssen takes you into her raging, boiling head, where existential questions and fears follow each other in rapid succession. What starts as an attempt at socially acceptable behavior quickly derails into a comical and confrontational battle with fearful thoughts. The performance grows into a punk comedy about how dangerous we become when we are afraid. Expect a wild, disruptive and hilarious evening that evokes both fear and delight!

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Thu 12 Jun 20:30 - 22:30 Canteen Valhalla Buy tickets

Thursday 12 June

20:30 - 22:30
From € 18,00
Canteen Valhalla -  Veerlaan 11, Feijenoord
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