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Kidscollege - Anne Frank

An interactive children's lecture about Anne Frank and her world-famous diary, in which children discover what it was like to live in the Secret Annex and start writing their own diary.

Anne Frank is one of the most famous names from the Second World War, and her diary continues to inspire generations. In this Children's Lecture, reading media consultant and historian Andrea Driesse tells all about Anne, her diary and life in the Secret Annex. Children are introduced to books about the war and see how Anne's story lives on in modern times, for example via the 'Anne Frank video diary' on YouTube. Finally, they get creative themselves by writing their own diary fragment, just like Anne did.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sat 3 May 13:00 - 14:15 Centrale Bibliotheek

Saturday 3 May

13:00 - 14:15
From € 0,00 tot € 2,50
Centrale Bibliotheek -  Hoogstraat 110, Centrum
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