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Juf Roos 2+

A party for Gijs

The Netherlands' most popular Miss Roos experiences a new adventure together with Gijs. The adventure begins at Miss Roos' mill. Miss Roos organizes a party at the petting zoo, but once they get there, things turn out differently than Miss Roos had imagined. The party ends in a clearing in a beautiful forest.

This performance is more interactive than ever: children come up with ideas, shout out and dance along and of course young and old sing along to all the Juf Roos hits from recent years.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 23 Feb 14:00 - 15:05 New Luxor Theater Buy tickets
Sun 23 Feb 16:00 - 17:05 New Luxor Theater Buy tickets

Sunday 23 February

14:00 - 15:05
From € 13,00 tot € 26,00
New Luxor Theater -  Posthumalaan 1, Feijenoord
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