Here they go: for the first time since reaching the 2022 Cameretten final, brothers Joey and Dave are taking to the world with a full evening program. Fortunately, they are also coming to Walhalla, because a performance with two brothers delivers special content.
In Stille Oorlog it quickly becomes clear that Joey and Dave have experienced the same experiences completely differently. The divorce of their parents puts everything back into focus. Joey feels responsible for everything as an older brother, while Dave likes to avoid any form of responsibility. They thought they knew each other inside and out, but the differences turn out to be greater than expected. The cover-up is opened and old wounds start to bleed. In short, an entertaining scene to watch!
About Joey & Dave:
For brothers Joey and Dave, humor has always been a way to soften, discuss or at least strongly deny intense life events. A family trait.
In 2022, they reached the finals of the Cameretten with their first theatre programme Verbrand Je Vingers Niet – a sharp performance about the death of their father. In the theatre, they mainly want to share personal stories, create recognisable situations, make difficult themes discussable and expose painful differences.
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