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Hoe overleef ik Alles wat ik niemand vertel

What do you do when you're an adult, but still have as many (or even more) doubts as you did when you were a teenager?

After the success of more than three million books sold, two musicals, a movie and two television series, the beloved How to Survive series returns to Dutch theaters! The musical is based on the adult bestseller How to Survive Everything I Tell No One? by Francine Oomen – a series that shaped a generation. No less than 165,000 copies of this last book have been sold!

Rosa and her friends Esther, Joya and Jonas are in the middle of their quarter-life crisis. After losing sight of each other for years, they find each other again in a special place and decide to change course. For Rosa, this means embarking on a new adventure: from leaving her family and an uncertain future behind to a journey in an old Italian car to Portugal, full of unexpected encounters, insights and new dreams. Join this journey and discover how Rosa and her friends search for themselves and each other!

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 26 Oct 14:00 Old Luxor Theater Buy tickets

Sunday 26 October

From € 22,50 tot € 44,50
Old Luxor Theater -  Kruiskade 10, Centrum
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