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Het Kabouterboek | Klein Amsterdam Producties 2+

The Gnome Book | Klein Amsterdam Productions (2+)

In Het Kabouterboek by Loes Riphagen (awarded a Zilveren Penseel) you will learn almost everything about the gnome. For example, you will discover that gnomes now simply live in the city, you will learn what a flat stuff clamp is and how you can best disguise yourself.

In Het Kabouterboek - de performance you will learn even more about gnomes. What does it sound like when they sing (out of tune!), what do they smell like, what does a pet feel like? On stage we create the gnome world and take all viewers into the fantasy with a Very Big Gnome Book. But is it fantasy?

concept Marianne van Houten
game Marianne van Houten or Milène van der Smissen
final direction Albert Klein Kranenburg
design Gunilla Andersson
music Thijs Borsten
illustrations Loes Riphagen

Klein Amsterdam Producties develops and produces youth theatre. We come up with concepts and connect them to the right artists and creatives. With artistic teams we then create beautiful, cheerful and accessible productions. Such a production can be both small and large scale and suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and the youngest youth. Known from, among others, André the astronaut and Boer Boris is the boss.

Visiting the performance is only possible under supervision.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 15 Jun 11:00 - 12:00 Studio de Bakery Buy tickets

Sunday 15 June

11:00 - 12:00
From € 8,50 tot € 18,50
Studio de Bakery -  Bergweg 283, Noord
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