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Heerenhuyskamerconcert - Mediterráneo

A musical tribute to the Mediterranean.

Regular visitors to our concert series will certainly remember the flamenco duo of singer Erminia Fernández Cordoba and guitarist Arturo Ramón. This season they will play the program Mediterráneo together with keyboard player and composer Thijs Borsten. For this program Thijs and Erminia went in search of artists who live or have settled on the Mediterranean coast, you will hear their stories and music in this concert.

Can life on the Mediterranean bring you happiness? And if so, what does that happiness look like? At the same time, people in need risk their lives by trying their luck on the other side of the Mediterranean.

The song Mediterráneo by Joan Manuel Serrat describes the colorful life on the Mediterranean coast in a poetic way. The Argentinian-Dutch singer Erminia Fernández Córdoba has warm feelings for this song, because she grew up in Alicante in Spain. Keyboardist and composer Thijs Borsten finds nowhere as relaxed as on the Greek coast, where he has spent his summers for 35 years with his Greek-Dutch wife. Guitarist Arturo Ramón learned flamenco from his Spanish father. He is considered one of the most complete flamenco guitarists in the Netherlands due to his virtuosity and sense of rhythm and melody.

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 5 Jan 11:30 - 12:30 Het Heerenhuys Buy tickets

Sunday 5 January

11:30 - 12:30
From € 0,00 tot € 12,50
Het Heerenhuys -  Baden Powelllaan 12, Centrum
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