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Hamlet Ida van Dril

Let yourself be carried away with music and puppetry in this performance about the age-old struggle between young and old. A mother struggles with the behavior of her teenage son Hamlet. But which of them is actually right? Sympathize!

The narrator of this story is Ida van Dril. She struggles with her teenage son Hamlet. And he with her. During the day he goes to school, in the evening she plays in the theater. In between they see each other at breakfast or a hasty dinner. She with her worries. Him with his cell phone. They are there but they are also not there. During this special performance full of puppets and music, you will experience their struggle. An eternal battle between young and old.

All dates

Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Mon 19 May 07:00 Theater Zuidplein Buy tickets
Mon 19 May 15:00 Theater Zuidplein Buy tickets

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