Graphic Design Fair 2025
Nieuwe Instituut and NAi Booksellers are organizing a new edition of the Graphic during the Design Biennale Rotterdam.
Established and upcoming graphic designers take visitors along in their creative process. You can participate in workshops, attend presentations and browse through a varied range of unique designs; both analogue and digital.
Growing and blooming
This year’s theme is ‘growth’. It’s all about what graphic designers and creators need to grow and flourish professionally. Whether it’s pruning your portfolio, letting your garden of ideas flourish or planting seeds for future projects and collaborations. There’s also both two-dimensional and three-dimensional work for sale.
With keynote presentations by Onno Blase, Nadie Borggreve and Freeling Waters and pecha kuchas by ST-DUO, Motormond Magazine, Guido de Boer and Studio Salt, Pepper, and Peace. In addition, there are workshops by Glitter Studio (screenprint patches workshop), Studio Melli (Perso-Arabic type workshop) and a workshop for children by Esmée Dros.
Beautiful Problems, Guido de Boer, Esmée Dros, Bianca Forischi, Maxim de Gilder, Glitter Studio, Droom.Iris & Robin de Haan, Juna Horstman, Sasja Houba, Patrick Hutchinson, Justyna Jaśkiewicz, Zuza Loch, Maravilla Studios, Satomi Minoshima (Washi Futurism), Judith Montens, MOTORMOND, Papertrail Chaehee Park, Jaime Pechler, Lize Prins, Sophia Reedijk, Jonas Riemersma, Danny Rumbl, Ulghh, Denisa Voláková, ST-DUO, Studio Kansy (Hannah Kansy), Studio Melli and Studio Salt, Pepper, and Peace.
All dates
Datum | Tijd | Locatie | Ticketlink |
Sun 23 Feb | 11:00 - 18:00 | Nieuwe Instituut | Buy tickets |
Sunday 23 February
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