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Gavin Reijnders Glittermoe

Musical comedian Gavin wonders how you can belong without losing yourself. Come laugh, reflect and maybe even rebel a little.

We all want to belong to something, a generation, a group of friends, a community or perhaps a cult. But how do you achieve that without losing yourself? Gavin no longer wants to make something more beautiful than it is. No longer pretending that yoga doesn't make him very angry or pretending to be the perfect, fun gay guy all the time. But doesn't he have to go to that one shitty birthday anyway? Shouldn't he adapt a little? Come enjoy Gavin's stories, songs and identity crisis without any worries.

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Wed 12 Mar 20:30 Theater Zuidplein Buy tickets

Wednesday 12 March

From € 16,50
Theater Zuidplein -  Gooilandsingel 95, Charlois
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