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Fresh - things i would tell my dad

Ricky Sheridan's visual album Things I Would Tell My Dad takes you on an auto-fictional musical journey through grief

The visual album Things I Would Tell My Dad by Ricky Sheridan takes you on a journey through an auto-fictional musical story about coping with grief. The moving dialogues alternate with musical performances that propel the story forward. The screening of the visual album will be supplemented with a discussion with creators Ricky and Melanie Neeleman and a live performance by Ricky and his band.

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Fri 10 Jan 20:15 Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium

Friday 10 January

From € 0,00 tot € 25,00
Maas theater and dance - Maaspodium -  Sint-Jobsweg 3, Delfshaven
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