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Filosofieworkshop - Durf te denken over… Utopieën en Dystopieën

Do you dare to ask questions? Do you dare to enter into a conversation with others? Do you dare to risk your own opinion? Then come and philosophize in the Rotterdam Library under the guidance of philosopher Ruby Knipscheer!

It is the month of philosophy with the theme 'Optimism without hope'. That is why we are diving into the world of utopias and dystopias today, both from philosophy and literature. What is a utopia anyway? And what is a dystopia? Does it make sense to dream of a better society, or is that dangerous? And what is your own idea of a utopia? Think along and discover what these visions can teach us about the world we live in!

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Datum Tijd Locatie Ticketlink
Sun 27 Apr 14:00 - 16:00 Centrale Bibliotheek

Sunday 27 April

14:00 - 16:00
From € 7,50 tot € 10,00
Centrale Bibliotheek -  Hoogstraat 110, Centrum
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