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Dirk de Wachter - Levensvragen voor onzekere tijden

In Life Questions for Uncertain Times, psychiatrist Dirk de Wachter shows why we feel increasingly alienated from ourselves and others. Because our society is one that is happier than ever, but in which loneliness and polarization are also increasing.

In these times we are confronted daily with news about war, disasters and radical politics. We ourselves lose ourselves in an increasingly busy existence and we can offer little resistance to distraction. How do we still stand in the increasingly fast and uncertain world?

De Wachter characteristically combines psychological and philosophical insights that help to achieve more mental health in these turbulent times. He teaches you how to better engage in conversation with yourself and with others. And how we can find the path to more happiness in life, especially in the vulnerable.

Dirk de Wachter is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist. In addition to running his own practice, he is head of system and family therapy at the University Psychiatric Center of the Catholic University of Leuven. He is the author of several bestsellers such as Borderline Times, The Art of Being Unhappy and Consolations.

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Wed 4 Jun 20:00 New Luxor Theater Buy tickets

Wednesday 4 June

From € 24,75 tot € 33,75
New Luxor Theater -  Posthumalaan 1, Feijenoord
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